Steel Pile News
Utförandeklasser (EXC) för pålprodukter
13 maj 2022 13:41 CEST 6 min läsning
Användningen av utförandeklasser för pålar kan vara knepigt. Dock är användningen av EXC obligatorisk, men korrekt implementering är inte alltid enkelt. Anslut till vårt webbseminarium och lär dig de korrekta procedurerna.
Background for Execution Classes
Design standard EN 1990 sets a mandatory requirement to define either consequences class (CC) or reliability class (RC) for structures. Based on that design standard for steel structures EN 1993-1-1 requires a selection of Execution class (EXC) for all steel structures.
Different execution standards
In execution of steel structures, both in workshop and on building site, it is mandatory to follow the execution standard EN 1090-2 for steel structures. However, for steel piles it is little different. Steel piles have own execution standards depending on the installation method of the piles and EN 1090-2 actually excludes piles in its scope.
To explain the relationships between different standards and to clarify the use of Execution Classes with SSAB steel piles, there has been a webinar. The webinar has been recorded and it is available as on-demand from the link below.
More information on RR® and RD® piles and RD® pile wall