Steel Pile News
Now available stronger threaded splice for RDc casing tube
20 mars 2018 13:11 CET 6 min läsning
Threaded splice offers an alternative solution for splice welding. RDc casing tubes have been developed to drilled casing applications where reliable and especially effective splicing technology is the priority. Installation time can be reduced by up to 90 % compared to traditional splice welding. SSAB has developed a new generation threaded splice to achieve an even stronger splice. All casing tube elements are based on longitudinally welded SSAB Domex Tube Double Grade (S355J2H/S420MH) steel pipe.
New generation threaded splice is now available.
“The new threaded splice is easier and faster to couple than the previous model. When using the new threaded splice, it takes less than a minute to have the tube in place. It is a significant time saving compared to splice welding which takes 10 minutes longer per splice.” says Reijo Irri from ReMaPo Oy. “We now use threaded splicing always when there are thick overburden layers or silty soil where the hammer gets clogged easily.” he continues.
The new threaded splice couples easily.
Chain tongs are used to tighten the splice.
Time saving is remarkable compared to splice welding.