Med Docol® stål har Shape Corp. förbättrat karosskomponenter för bilar
05 juli 2021 6 min läsning

Information om fallstudien
Bilens grundform har inte förändrats särskilt mycket på ett århundrade, medan det har hänt mycket med karosskonstruktionen. Tack vare avancerade höghållfasta stålsorter från SSAB har Shape Corp. kunnat förbättra fordonens karosskomponenter, vilket lett till ökad säkerhet och lägre vikt.
The automotive industry has been constantly changing, which means that product development has been a key factor for not only being successful but also to stay successful. Today one of the megatrends is electrification. This isn’t simply a change of propulsion and energy storage; electrification means significant changes to a car’s body.
“An electric vehicle has a different centre of gravity because the battery modules are typically placed under the occupant,” explains Brian Oxley. “With different drive train structures, the car absorbs an impact differently. Also, the battery itself requires protection.”
Brian Oxley is an advanced product development specialist at Shape Corp., an engineering and manufacturing company specialising in impact management systems and body structure components for automobiles. Shape Corp. is a worldwide company with their located headquarter in Michigan, USA, and develop things such as the pillar structures around the passenger compartment and the front and rear bumpers.