Steel Pile News
SSAB introduced RD pile wall in DFI Annual Conference in New Orleans, USA
13 december 2017 9:00 CET 6 min läsning
42nd Annual conference on Deep Foundations, the largest gathering of practitioners specializing in the deep foundations industry, took place 24th to 27th of October in New Orleans. The event is organized annually by Deep Foundations Institute (DFI). This year there were 950 participants. Antti Perälä, Technology Manager SSAB Infra Products, held a presentation on RD pile wall – A water tight retaining wall structure. There was interest towards SSAB’s solution for deep foundation projects in North America.
SSAB has delivered close to 100 RD pile walls since the launch in 2010. Fast and reliable installation and excellent water tightness has resulted in successful customer projects. The most significant project in the Nordics has been RD pile wall in Pasila Tripla in Helsinki, Finland. RD pile wall is based on RD piles and interlocking sections fastened by welding at the mill. RD piles are produced in SSAB’s tube mills in Pulkkila and Oulainen.
42nd Annual Conference on Deep Foundations was held in New Orleans, USA