Steel Pile News
Major updates for RRPileCalc and PileWallCalc programs
10 januari 2019 10:01 CET 6 min läsning
Both calculation programs have now updated registration process. New process makes registration much easier and faster. Also download site has changed.
New download site
Programs are now downloaded directly from SSAB website. Download is possible from different language versions of the Infrastructure product web pages.
All download pages also include an installation guide to direct you through the installation process and new registration process.
New simpler and easier registration process
Installation of the program naturally requires the administrative permissions for the computer. After installation the registration can be done with normal user rights (Note: some companies may have highly restricted user rights and support from IT department may be required).
The registration is done directly from the program and no visit to web site is required. During registration following new dialogue will appear.
After filling required information and pressing the Acquire license code button, the program will contact SSAB license server and download the Activation code. The registration will be finalized by pressing OK.