Steel Pile News
New PileWallCalc design tool has been launched
26 februari 2016 0:00 CET 6 min läsning
Calculation of cross section properties and bending resistances of the pile walls is easy with SSAB’s new PileWallCalc design tool. The program calculates the bending resistances and normal force resistances of RD pile wall, Combi wall and Zig-Zag Combi wall.
Calculations are done according to Eurocode design codes. Design tool includes pile sizes RD220…RR/RD1200, all steel grades used for SSAB’s piles and a comprehensive set of sheet pile profiles. Resistance of a pile wall can be calculated in either elastic state or plastic state. Also, the structure of the pipe piles can be designed as a steel structure (empty steel pipe pile), a concrete filled steel pipe (without composite effect), a composite structure with or without reinforcement bars and a composite structure with an inner steel pipe.
Advanced corrosion reduction possibilities
Often the corrosion rate varies in different depths of a pile wall. To help the optimization of design, there is a possibility to design two cross sections simultaneously. The diameter of the pile pipe is the same for upper part and lower part of the wall, but the wall thickness and the steel grade of the pile pipe can be changed.
Corrosion rates for the pile pipes are considered in the calculations. The corrosion rates can be set separately for the upper part and the lower part of the wall, also different corrosion rates can be set for the both sides of the wall and for the inner surface of the pile pipe. Total of six different corrosion rates can be set.
If the corrosion rate has different values at different sides of the wall, the cross section will be asymmetric. To help the next steps of the design of the pile wall, the program calculates the stiffness, the section modulus and the center of gravity for the structural steel part of the cross section.
The program creates a report which contains the initial data, effective cross section properties and the combined capacity graph for the normal force resistance and bending resistance. If the cross section has different properties in upper and lower part of the wall, both capacity graphs are shown.
Design tool is offered for free to designers and our customers
PileWallCalc can be downloaded from The program is free, but it needs to be registered for full functionality.
Use of the program and interpretation of the results requires the user to have sufficient expertise. SSAB and the program's author are not responsible for any errors in the program or direct or indirect damages caused by incorrect application of the results of the program.