Daniel Sund

”SSAB Domex® Plus has a radically improved local formability, meaning that you can do so much more, while being much more efficient. If you are working with designs that push the limits of the material, you should really consider Domex® Plus,” says Product Manager Daniel Sund.

An answer to common problems

A mechanically cut edge is often the material’s weakest point, and where cracks and burrs appear. Many customers experience long down-times when cutting tools need changing. These problems can now be a thing of the past, thanks to SSAB Domex® Plus.

”If you have problems with cut edges breaking when shaping, SSAB Domex® Plus can be the solution. The steel’s superb edge ductility and extreme toughness makes it less sensitive to edge cracks compared to normal steel. This also means that it is less sensitive to the quality of cut edges. If you have problems with unplanned stops in production for changing cutting tools and are slowed down by considerable post-processing to reach the desired end-result, then SSAB Domex® Plus is something for you. In addition, a very high tolerance for worn tools means there is less down-time for changing cutting tools and you can keep going longer,” says Daniel Sund.

No more cracks and burrs

SSAB Domex® Plus has a fine microstructure and an improved formability that gives you cut edges with a limited amount of burrs or cracks.

”This means that you can work with very advanced shapes and still get the same excellent results, something that I know many of our customers have been looking for,” concludes Daniel Sund.


Learn more about Domex® Plus