Latest press releases

Jul 24
Regulatory press releases

Interim report Q2 2024: Growth in Automotive premium steel in a weak market

The second quarter · Revenue was SEK 28,282 (31,777) million · Operating result was SEK 2,969 (4,963) million · Earnings per share were SEK 2.43 (3.81) · Net cash was SEK 14.1 (11.7) billion

Jul 15
Other press releases

Danieli chosen as technology provider for fossil-free steel mini-mill in Luleå, Sweden

SSAB and Danieli have signed an Early Service Agreement (ESA) on the pre- and engineering phase for the Luleå mini-mill project in Sweden. Under the agreement, Danieli will supply a highly-automated technology solution for the new mini-mill, consisting of two electric arc furnaces, secondary metallurgy, caster and strip mill.

Jul 10
Regulatory press releases

Invitation to SSAB’s briefing of the Q2 2024 report

SSAB invites you to a presentation of the Q2 2024 report at 9.30am CEST on Wednesday, July 24, 2024. The report will be published at approximately 7.30am CEST on the same date.

Other news

Jul 17
Other news

ADEM Awards SSAB Alabama with $361,100 Grant for Scrap Tire Viability and Impact Study

The Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) recently awarded SSAB Alabama Inc., a $361,100 grant to complete a scrap tire derived crumb rubber study in the electric arc furnace (EAF) steelmaking process. Funding for this project will be used to purchase the crumb rubber and the specialized equipment for injecting this material into the EAF. This funding will also be used to work with a third-party engineering company to conduct an off-gas emissions study and subsequent report. Liberty Tire and Recycling is providing the crumb rubber for the trial. 

Jun 12
Other news

SSAB and ILAB enter into partnership on future deliveries of fossil-free steel for containers

Steel manufacturer SSAB and container manufacturer ILAB Container AB have signed an agreement to collaborate on the development of containers made of fossil-free steel.

Jun 11
Other news

Ruukki roofs made of SSAB Fossil-free steel for luxury Sunday Morning Resort in Finnish Lapland

Ruukki Construction, part of SSAB, has signed an agreement with travel company Experience Pyhä Oy on the delivery of Ruukki® Classic LowCarbon roofs made of SSAB Fossil-free™ steel to the investment company's ecological holiday destination in Pyhätunturi, Finnish Lapland. In the future, roofing such as pilot roofs installed in Honkatalot™ villas will have up to 70% lower climate impact than those made of traditionally manufactured steel.

Latest articles

May 31
Customer story

ITC reduces scrap tipper weight by 35% by upgrading to Hardox® 500 Tuf wear plate

Since upgrading to Hardox® 500 Tuf wear steel, ITC has reduced the weight of its tippers and containers by 35 percent. The result is lighter, more durable products, and ultimately increased payload capacity for its customers.

Apr 30
Customer story

Thompsons reduces tipper weight while increasing payload capacity with Hardox® wear steel

The last few years has seen Thompsons become a true market leader in the UK. One of the explanations for this is its tipper bodies made of both Hardox® 500 Tuf and Strenx® 900MC steel, which have reduced tipper body weight by up to 500 kilos. This in turn has meant that customers have received tippers with increased load capacity.

Feb 29
Customer story

Al Jeathen reduces tipper weight while increasing payload capacity with Hardox® 500 Tuf steel

Since making Hardox® 500 Tuf steel its material of choice, leading Saudi Arabian heavy-transport equipment manufacturer Al Jeathen has seen its products last longer, weigh less and become more sustainable.