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Inclusion and Diversity – stronger together at SSAB
May 17, 2023 10:57 CEST 6 min read
Gender diversity is one aspect of SSAB’s inclusion and diversity initiatives and we celebrate the European Diversity Month in May and Global Diversity Day on May 21st by asking three of our site and production managers how they view SSAB’s work with inclusion and diversity.
Era Kapilashrami, Site and Production manager, SSAB Oxelösund:
Research shows that diversity leads to better results for the business and I think these issues are extremely important to work with. In order to create a successful workplace, you need to think differently and have different experiences and approaches. It is therefore important that we create an inclusive workplace where differences are seen as an asset. No one should feel excluded. The most important thing in creating an inclusive workplace is to dare to discuss these difficult issues and to have zero tolerance for discrimination of any kind. This is when we get a truly inclusive culture and a pleasant workplace.
Mia Eriksson, Site and Production manager, SSAB Borlänge:
We have developed a purpose for our work in Borlänge: “We want to create an open climate at our workplace where there is no discrimination, harassment or victimization.” We want a workplace where everyone feels included and welcome. We value and benefit from people’s differences, and we see them as a prerequisite for us to succeed in our joint mission and to be an attractive employer. I’m passionate about these issues and chose to meet some of the shift teams when they held their workshops to show how important the issues are not just to me, but to the whole of SSAB.
Lisette Mikaelsson, Site and Production manager, SSAB Luleå:
We are entirely dependent on our competent and committed employees in order to be able to deliver on our goals, and we are convinced that groups with different backgrounds, genders, experiences and ages lead to increased job satisfaction, job satisfaction and safety. SSAB Luleå is an active member of Norrbotten County’s equality delegation and works to achieve a more even gender distribution in production, with the aim that half of the summer workers here are women. Inclusion and diversity work must have a natural place in our systematic work environment management – we want to be a workplace where everyone can thrive and reach their full potential.
SSAB is committed to building an inclusive workplace and promote an inclusive and diverse workforce as outlined in the cultural framework SSAB Way and its Code of Conduct.