Steel Pile News
Foundation business professionals gathered to learn about new products and meet colleagues in SSAB’s Steel Pile Day in Oslo
June 18, 2019 22:54 CEST 6 min read
SSAB’s Steel Pile Day was held in Oslo May 9th this year. Since 2005 Steel Pile Day has been arranged for foundation construction experts in Norway. The auditorium in Holberg Terrasse Kurs- og Konferansesenter was filled with over 50 participants including building and foundation contractors, designers and authorities.
After lunch Business Area Manager Jan Andreassen welcomed our guests to the event. Program continued with presentations about the shift from steel core piles to RR® piles in Sweden, Norway’s largest RR® pile project, steel pile product news, handbook R762 process codes 2 and RD® pile wall in Malmö hospital. After second break the afternoon continued with presentations about steel piles environmental impacts, high strength RRs piles, HYBRIT status and steel piles reference cases in Norway presented by customer.
Astri Eggen (left), Senior Geotechical Engineer in Veidekke Entreprenør AS, participated in SSAB’s Steel Pile Day for the fifth time. She wanted to hear what is new in our product offering and talk to other professionals in the industry. “Most interesting presentations today were the news about new products; new threads and new pile wall. I can utilize the learning from the day in my daily work, especially what new products there are that I can use in design”, she says.
Regine Obrestad Kverme (right), Project Manager in Seabrokers Fundamentering AS, appreciates the event because there are not many events like this in Norway. “It is my second time here. This is a good way to meet colleagues. Most interesting presentation for me today was about process codes presented by Gaute Nordbotten from Road Administration. It was a good opportunity to hear more background information. Also it was interesting to hear about new products. I can utilize this info in my future projects.