Steel Pile News
RR® pile deliveries with demanding logistics to two projects in Germany
June 18, 2019 22:40 CEST 6 min read
Large Diameter Piles for Floating Pier in Usedom, Germany
Special logistical requirements and just-in-time delivery needed
The new construction of floating structures in the lake center on the German Island “Usedom” consists the pontoon bridge and a floating pier. The pontoon bridge serves as part of the traffic connection for pedestrian and bicycle traffic between the Usedom side, the district of Paske and for the permanent residents. From the pontoon bridge, two entrances lead to the 64 moorings and the floating pier is protected by two breakwaters. The jetty is planned for larger passenger ships and takes over at the same time the function of a breakwater for the harbor area.
SSAB delivered in total over 3.2 kilometers of RR700/16 piles for the project. SSAB was able to produce and deliver special pile lengths up to 27.5 meters without splice weld quickly and just in time, taking into account that the draft for the delivery by vessel was just 1.5 m. Due to the limited space on site, the quantity was divided into three lots with each 300 tons. Since the equipment had to be planned for unloading and processing the piles, the just in time delivery was fundamental for the success and efficiency of the project. It was the first order for Colcrete-von Essen Wasserbau GmbH & Co. KG where SSAB has exceeded the expectations.
Noise-Barrier foundation piles for German Fast-Train Railway
Successful project in tight time frame and demanding logistical solution
Noise barriers on high-speed railways are dynamically loaded by the pressure-suction effects of passing trains. Protection against noise pollution is one of the essential requirements for new and existing railway lines. Especially on new high-speed lines noise protection measures have to be considered and designed already in the planning phase. The Eiffage Group owns one of the few machines that install the piles directly from the railway track into the ground. The piles are drilled and grouted afterwards.
SSAB’s extensive delivery included approx. 6.3 km of RR900/16 and RR600/12 piles in two steps. SSAB answered the demand from it’s customer MDM Rohr- und Stahlhandel GmbH, part of the Eiffage Group, with just- in time delivery by truck and by vessel to the co-operation partner Unterweser Stahl- und Maschinenbau GmbH (USM) and Rupertus-Strako in Bremerhaven, where the piles were equipped with drilling teeth and the required coating for all piles.