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Sergi Parareda Oriol wins University Steel Prize 2018
May 21, 2018 9:00 CEST 6 min read
For his innovative research on the fatigue strength of trimmed edges in high-strength steel, Sergi Parareda Oriol, from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain, has won the University Steel Prize 2018.
“Combining understanding of this complex phenomena with practical testing and arriving at perceptive conclusions makes Sergi stand out,” says SSAB’s Linda Petersson, Chair of the University Steel Prize jury.
As part of his Master’s thesis, Sergi Parareda Oriol combine his studies with the Spanish research institute Fundació CTM Centre Tecnológic as well as Scania AB, to study the fatigue strength of trimmed edges in high-strength steel in heavy duty vehicles (HDV).
The topic is one that lacks information, and Oriol performed tests on different grades of high-strength steel by means of trimming condition improvements and mechanical surface treatments like sandblasting. The results and recommendations obtained from this project will enable the optimized design of HDV components through material upgrades and will allow for further weight reductions.
The jury’s motivation for awarding Sergi Parareda Oriol with the University Steel Prize was:
For addressing one of the key hindering factors for high-strength steel in heavy transport with a very practical approach, Sergi Parareda Oriol has been awarded the University Steel Prize 2018. Involving not only a university and a research institute, but also a manufacturer of trucks, this thesis shows the increase in fatigue life that is possible through shot blasting steel components.
The University Steel Prize challenges students from around the world to come up with an innovative process or method of using high-performance steel. In addition to a prize of SEK 20,000, the winner is invited to the Swedish Steel Prize event to present their application on the main stage.
Read more about the University Steel Prize on steelprize.com.
For further information, please contact:
Linda Petersson, Chair of the University Steel Prize jury, +46 243 716 11