SSAB wants customers to experience the difference
November 10, 2016 22:09 CET 6 min read
“We want to present what makes us unique as a steel producer,” says Riikka Friman, head of Corporate identity at SSAB.
“Now when environmental and sustainability challenges are getting more and more important in the whole society we want to take the positon as the steel company with the best solutions that benefit the whole society,” according to PO Stark, head of SSAB´s Special Steels division. ”And this is not new for SSAB, it started already in the 1980´s when we started our journey towards more wear resistant steels, for lighter, stronger and more sustainable solutions.”
SSAB has reviewed and somewhat also redefined the company´s position in the steel business and are now ready to present the “SSAB story” to all stakeholders. The “SSAB story” is a way of communicating the company´s journey towards the vision of a stronger, lighter and more sustainable world.
“The story focuses on what we call vision driven topics. It goes beyond talking about market driven topics like our specialized product mix, our application innovation support or technical support and local stock network that are part of our value-added package to our customers,” says Riikka Friman.
The starting point of the SSAB story is that it combines the notions of partnership, sustainability and performance.
“The reasoning behind this choice is that these three words reflect our history, heritage and our strengths as a company. We feel it is important to let people know what SSAB and the modern steel industry stand for. They are not only true already today but they also give a response to the increasing needs of societies and our customers,” according to Riikka Friman.
Steel is essential for modern infrastructure, and steel and steel solutions drive growth. PO Stark explains further what makes SSAB stand out from others in the industry.
“We do not only develop and produce new steels but we also follow our steel products all the way to our customers. With the competence in our organization we are constantly developing new solutions together with our customers, often it includes upgrading from one steel to a more advanced steel grade, resulting in better performance and a more sustainable solution”.
Two years after the merger between SSAB and Ruukki the company is now ready to meet all stakeholders with an updated strategy, realized synergies, a broader offer to the market and a new and vitalized organization, where all employees are bearers of the company´s story.
“My ambition is that we as a steel company will set a new standard when it comes to performance,” says PO Stark, “that we will establish ourselves on the highest level in all phases of the value chain, from the sales organization, to the production, to the distribution and to the cooperation with our customers in order to develop more competitive products. We have the opportunity to take the lead in quality and performance in everything we do. Our employee´s competence is key to our success.”