Other press releases
Invitation to Capital Markets Day 2014
August 25, 2014 15:30 CEST 6 min read
We have the pleasure to invite institutional investors and financial media to SSAB’s Capital Markets Day 2014 in Stockholm on 1 October, 2014.The presentations will also be broadcasted live and available on SSAB.com.
Date: 1 October, 2014 at 13.00 to approximately 17.00, registration starts at 12.30
Venue: Clarion Sign Hotel, Östra Järnvägsgatan 35, Stockholm
SSAB completed the combination with the Finnish company Rautaruukki during the summer of 2014. The combined company will be a Nordic and U.S.-based steel company with a global reach together with a cost-efficient and flexible production.
During the Capital Markets Day, CEO Martin Lindqvist and other representatives of the Group Executive Committee will describe how the operations in the new company will be organized and financially reported, the overall ambitions and key elements of the strategy.
An informal dinner will be held for institutional investors in the evening of
1 October offering an opportunity to meet with members of SSAB’s Group Executive Committee. On 2 October, there will be an opportunity to visit SSAB’s steel production site in Oxelösund. Transport from Stockholm and back will be provided.
Interviews with SSAB spokespersons will be offered up on request. Please contact SSAB Media Relations for reservations.
For more information and registration please visit:
Capital Markets Day 2014
RSVP by 12 September, 2014,
Most welcome,
Taina Kyllönen, Head of Communications and Håkan Folin, CFO