Rails and post

Rails used in bridge parapets

Rail W240/5, which is used in parapets of short bridges and similar applications, is also available perforated and hot-dip galvanised. Rails cut to a specific length, as well as ungalvanised or unperforated rails and rails with specific hole spacing, are also available to order. The rails can also be delivered bent. The standard delivery length of the rail W240 is 12 metres, with a post spacing of 2 metres.

Rail W230/5 is used in repairs and rehabilitation involving bridges that still have the former standard bridge parapet of the Finnish Transport Agency and, occasionally, in secondary roads in new construction. The rails are delivered according to our customer's preferences.

The W150/3 rail is used in light-traffic bridge parapets.

Handrail U 55/114/55 x 6 is intended for bridge parapets in general. Cold-rolled steel gives parapets a more finished, rounded appearance than sharp-angled hot-rolled steel. Additionally, if the parapet is to be painted, cold-rolled steel is more suitable thanks to its rounded shape and smoother surface. Handrails are delivered ungalvanised.

Box beam rails for median barriers

According to the guidelines of the Finnish Transport Agency, barrier products without CE marking can only be used in barrier repairs. SSAB delivers rails and posts as well as other accessories for Box beam median barrier repairs.



SSAB offers a wide range of different post sections for common traffic barrier systems, such as those based on the type drawings of the Finnish Transport Agency. Posts cut to a specific length as well as ungalvanised or unperforated posts and posts with specific hole spacing, are also available to order.