SSAB appoints Rondellen Maskin AB to Hardox In My Body
June 14, 2017 8:00 CEST 6 min read
The number of companies that become members of Hardox In My Body grows for each month. In connection with the recently concluded MaskinExpo Construction Exhibition outside Stockholm, it was time for Rondellen Machine from Kinna to get their diploma.
Together with over 17,000 visitors and 272 exhibitors at MaskinExpo, the company Rondellen Maskin showed its wide range of buckets. At the same time, SSAB - also one of the exhibitors - was able to hand over the coveted diploma.
- It's always with a lovely feeling as we appoint another member of Hardox In My Body. Rondellen Maskin is a good example of a company that creates added value for its customers, says Mikael Ringholm, Sales Manager SSAB Special Steel Scandinavia.
The market for construction companies in Sweden is generally good at the moment. Wise investments and investing in established brands and good relationships are often investments that pay off in the long run - even when the times are a bit worse.
For more information contact:
- Mikael Ringholm Sales Manager SSAB Special Steels Scandinavian 072-510 3020
- Robert Nilsson, Sales Manager at Rondellen Machine 0302-71 54 16