Other news
SSAB’s website highly ranked
November 14, 2016 9:50 CET 6 min read
SSAB’s web pages providing information about SSAB Group to investors, jobseekers, the media and other stakeholders did well in an international Webranking survey. SSAB’s pages were ranked in joint first place with regard to corporate social responsibility information among both the top 100 large-cap Swedish companies and 50 Finnish companies. The overall ranking was also good – eighth place in Sweden and sixth place in Finland.
This was the 20th Webranking conducted by Comprend. The survey evaluated the English-language webpages and social media channels providing corporate information of more than 800 European large-cap companies. The research criteria are based on prior interviews with analysts, investors, business reporters and jobseekers. The companies’ websites are evaluated on the basis of a total of 50 different criteria concerning reporting, other information provided to investors and the media, corporate social responsibility information and other necessary information provided to jobseekers.
The fact that both Swedish and Finnish companies did well in the survey highlights the significance of SSAB’s good ranking.