Customer case
Pumping station 40 - Luleå
February 08, 2023 6 min read
Case details
Luleå is a region in growth. Its existing water and waste system is now 60-100 years old and in great need of upgrading to deal with the growing population. By 2040, the population is expected to reach 100 000 inhabitants. “Östre länken” was initiated in 2014 and will be ready in 2026. It consists of 4 new pumping stations and 20 km of water pipes with a diameter of up to 2 meters. This is Luleå Municipality’s biggest construction project ever and has an estimated price tag of up to SEK 2bn. There are already 70 pumping stations in the area to ensure the transportation of fresh water from the Lule River to end users and then transport the used water back to Uddebo wastewater treatment plant.