Regulatory press releases
Nomination Committee for the Annual General Meeting 2009
September 24, 2008 8:00 CEST 6 min read
Pursuant to a resolution of SSAB’s Annual General Meeting 2008, the Chairman of the Board of Directors has invited four of the larger shareholders to each nominate a member to constitute the nomination committee together with the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The nomination committee’s tasks include, among others, to propose the composition of the Board of Directors as well as the remuneration for the Board of Directors, to be resolved at the 2009 Annual General Meeting.
The nomination committee established for the 2009 Annual General Meeting consists of Carl-Olof By, Industrivärden (Chairman); Ola Johnsson, LKAB; Mats Lagerqvist, Swedbank Robur; Peder Hasslev, AMF Pension and Sverker Martin-Löf (Chairman of the Board of Directors).
The Annual General Meeting 2009 will be held on 31 March in Oxelösund, Sweden.