Regulatory press releases
Resolutions adopted att SSAB's 2005 General Meeting
April 22, 2005 15:02 CEST 6 min read
Board Members Re-election of Carl Bennet, Anders G Carlberg, Per-Olof Eriksson, Sverker Martin-Löf, Marianne Nivert, Anders Nyrén, Matti Sundberg and Anders Ullberg. Sverker Martin-Löf was appointed Chairman of the Board. Dividend The General Meeting resolved upon payment of a dividend of SEK 7.50 kronor per share. Payment through VPC is expected to take place on 2 May 2005. Redemption of SSAB shares The offer regarding the redemption of SSAB shares is being implemented as planned and entails, in brief, the following: • One redemption right per share, with each ten redemption rights providing an entitlement to redeem one share. • SEK 210 in cash will be received for each redeemed share. • Each shareholder is invited to sell a maximum of 2,000 redemption rights free of commission charges. Timetable for the redemption offer • SSAB shares are listed exclusive of redemption rights commencing 25 April 2005. • The record date for receipt of redemption rights is 27 April 2005. • An information brochure regarding the offer will be distributed to directly-registered shareholders and placed on SSAB’s ( och Enskilda Securities’ ( websites on or about 29 April 2005. • The application period for redemption of shares is 3 May - 26 May 2005. • The final date for applications for commission-free sales of redemption rights is 18 May 2005. • Trading in redemption rights will take place during the period 3 May - 23 May 2005. • Payment of redemption proceeds will take place on or about 10 June 2005.