Thomas Björk New President of Plannja Thomas Björk has been appointed new President of Plannja. Thomas Björk will take office during the first half of 2003. He will replace Jan Hedlund, President pro tem. Thomas Björk is today President of Norrbottens Lantmän (Member of the Swedish Farmers´ Supply and Crop Marketing Cooperative). Thomas Björk, born in 1956, is Bachelor of Science (Econ.). In 1994 he left the position as Division Manager at Plannja to become Director of Marketing at Älvsbyhus, a leading producer of wooden houses in Sweden. - I am glad to welcome Thomas Björk back to the SSAB family, says Anders Ullberg, President and CEO of the SSAB Group in a comment. Thomas Björk knows us well after his previous years in Plannja and it is good news that he now has decided to return to us in this new role. Plannja, subsidiary of SSAB Swedish Steel, is one of Europe´s leading building sheet companies. Plannja processes sheet into, among other things, roofing tiles and rainwater run-off products. Sandwichtype prefabricated building sections are also being manufactured to an increasing degree. The products are examples of Plannja´s focus on complete and fully-planned systems solutions for both large and small construction projects. The Plannja sales in 2001 amounted to SEK 1,3 billion. Plannja has 470 employees. Public Affairs Ivar Ahlberg Telephone + 46 8-45 45 734 ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download: