Steel Pile News
Several updates for SSAB pile products
17.3.2022 7.32 CET 6 min luettu
Updates include new RR pile elements and new lifting tools for rock shoes.
Safety First! – New safe lifting tools for rock shoes
Safety is the top priority in all SSAB’s operations. Use of SSAB products should also be safe and therefore SSAB has developed new CE marked lifting tools for lifting mechanically attached rock shoes at site.
Lifting of quite small but heavy objects, like rock shoes, at job site environment is always risky. To reduce the risks, SSAB has developed these new lifting tools. The lifting tools comply with the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EY and are CE marked according to EN 12100.
There are two sizes of lifting tools available:
EK2001 for rock shoes of RR245 and RR270 pile sizes
EK2001-1 for rock shoes of RR320 pile sizes
Both lifting tools are delivered with relevant markings (maximum load, CE mark, other required markings), Declaration of Conformity and instructions for use, service and inspections. At the moment the documents are available in Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian.
Figure 1. New lifting tools. EK2001-1 on left and EK2001 on right.
Beside safety, three important comfort related things have been considered in the design:
-lifting tool can be placed to dowel of rock shoe while rock shoes are still on pallet, the rock shoes can be lifted directly from the pallet to pile pipe
-the lifting point of tool is in such place that tool together with rock shoe are very close to horizontal, this makes it easy to direct the rock shoe to end of pile pipe
-lifting tool is attached to dowel of rock shoe, the end plate in rock shoe can be turned around to direct the by-pass groove to exact location of the inner weld burr in the pile pipe
You can ask for the lifting tools from SSAB pile product sales.
New mechanical splices for RR270 pile size
RR270 pile sizes are now also available as elements. Mechanical splices enable splicing of RR270 piles with the same easy way as smaller RR piles have been spliced for a long time. Splices are available for both wall thicknesses 10 mm and 12.5 mm as well as for both steel grades S460MH and S550J2H.
New RRs170/12.5 pile size
SSAB offers wide range of RRs piles made of S550J2H steel grade. Previously there has been an empty space in the list since RRs170/12.5 has not been available. Now this has been fixed and also RRs170/12.5 pile size has been tested and is available.
Use of S550J2H steel grade offers clearly higher resistances for piles. Most often use of S550J2H steel grade offers most economical solution for steel piles, either with higher resistance for same piles size or with similar resistance with smaller pile size.
More information on RR® and RD® piles and RD® pile wall