Tunnuslukujen laskentakaavat
Tunnusluvut on laskettu käyttäen seuraavia kaavoja
Tunnusluvut on laskettu käyttäen seuraavia kaavoja
Total assets less non-interest-bearing current and long-term liabilities.
Cash and bank balances, as well as short-term investments with a term to maturity of less than three months on the date of acquisition.
Operational cash flow less financial items and paid tax.
Profit for the year attributable to the parent company’s shareholders divided by the average number of shares.
Result before depreciation and amortization as a percentage of total sales.
Total equity according to the consolidated balance sheet.
Equity, excluding minority interests, divided by number of shares at year-end.
Equity as a percentage of total assets.
Investments involving maintenance, rationalization, replacements or which relate to the environment and are made in order to maintain competitiveness.
Interest-bearing liabilities less interest-bearing assets.
Net debt as a percentage of equity.
Funds generated from operations including change in working capital as well as cash flow for regular maintenance investments, but before financial items and paid tax.
Operating result as a percentage of total sales.
Share price at year-end divided by earnings per share.
Profit for the year after tax as a percentage of average equity per month during the year.
Operating profit increased by financial revenue as a percentage of average capital employed per month during the year.
Sales less deduction for value added tax, discounts and returns.
Investments that increase the cash flow through acquisitions of shares and operations, investments in plant expansion or new competitiveness-enhancing technology.
Dividend as a percentage of the share price at year-end.