SSAB Domex® Tube 550MH

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General Product Description

SSAB Domex Tube 550MH is extra high strength structural hollow section.

It is available in circular, rectangular, square and special shapes. Customized shapes and other tailoring options are available upon request. It is typically used in advanced engineering and construction where weight reduction, lower costs and safety are important. It meets the standard requirements of EN 10219 when applicable and is CE marked according to EN 1090-2.

SSAB Domex Tube 550MH is manufactured by cold forming and high frequency welding from clean, high quality environmentally friendly steel by modern and efficient tube lines.

Dimension Range

SSAB Domex Tube 550MH is available in circular, square and rectangular shapes.

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    Shapes Dimensions
    Circular (mmin) 42.4 - 323.91.67 - 12.75
    Square (mmin) 40x40 - 300x300
    Rectangular (mmin) 50x30 - 400x200
    Wall thickness (mmin) 2.0 - 12.500.079 - 0.4921
    Mill length (mm) 6000 - 12 000/18 000 mm
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      Circular (mmin)
      42.4 - 323.91.67 - 12.75
      Square (mmin)
      40x40 - 300x300
      Rectangular (mmin)
      50x30 - 400x200
      Wall thickness (mmin)
      2.0 - 12.500.079 - 0.4921
      Mill length (mm)
      6000 - 12 000/18 000 mm

      Other shapes, sizes and lengths are available upon request.

      Circular Dimensions

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        Outer diameter (mmin) 2.0 mm (kg/m) 3.0 mm (kg/m) 4.0 mm (kg/m) 5.0 mm (kg/m) 6.0 mm (kg/m) 8.0 mm (kg/m) 10.0 mm (kg/m) 12.5 mm (kg/m)
        42.41.67 1.99 2.19
        48.31.90 2.28 3.35 4.37
        60.32.37 2.88 4.24 5.55 6.82
        76.13.00 5.41 7.11
        88.93.50 6.36 8.38 10.4
        101.64.000 7.29 9.63 11.9
        1084.25 7.77 10.3 12.7
        114.34.500 8.23 10.9 13.5
        127.05.000 9.17 12.1 15.0
        139.75.500 13.4 16.6 19.8 26.0 32.0
        168.36.626 16.2 20.1 24.0 31.6 39.0
        219.18.626 26.4 31.5 41.7 51.6
        27310.7 33.1 39.5 52.3 64.9 80.3
        323.912.75 47.0 62.3 77.4 96.0
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          Square Dimensions

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            Height x Width (mm) 2.0 mm (kg/m) 3.0 mm (kg/m) 4.0 mm (kg/m) 5.0 mm (kg/m) 6.0 mm (kg/m) 8.0 mm (kg/m) 10.0 mm (kg/m) 12.5 mm (kg/m)
            40 x 40 2.31 3.30 4.20
            50 x 50 2.93 4.25 5.45
            60 x 60 3.56 5.19 6.71 8.13
            70 x 70 6.13 7.97 9.70
            80 x 80 7.07 9.22 11.3 13.2
            90 x 90 8.01 10.5 12.8 15.1
            100 x 100 8.96 11.7 14.4 17.0 21.4
            120 x 120 14.3 17.6 20.8 26.4
            140 x 140 16.8 20.7 24.5 31.4 38.1
            150 x 150 18.0 22.3 24.5 31.4 41.3
            160 x 160 23.8 28.3 36.5 44.4 52.6
            180 x 180 27.0 32.1 41.5 50.7 60.5
            200 x 200 46.5 57.0 68.3
            250 x 250 59.1 72.7
            300 x 300 71.6 88.4
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              Rectangular Dimensions

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                Height x Width (mm) 2.0 mm (kg/m) 3.0 mm (kg/m) 4.0 mm (kg/m) 5.0 mm (kg/m) 6.0 mm (kg/m) 8.0 mm (kg/m) 10.0 mm (kg/m) 12.5 mm (kg/m)
                50 x 30 2.31 3.30 4.20
                60 x 40 2.93 4.25 5.45 6.56
                80 x 40 3.56 5.19 6.71 8.13
                80 x 60 6.13 7.97 9.70
                100 x 50 6.60 8.59 10.5
                100 x 60 7.07 9.22 11.3
                100 x 80 8.01 10.5 12.8
                120 x 60 8.01 10.5 12.8
                120 x 80 8.96 11.7 14.4
                140 x 80 13.0 16.0
                150 x 100 14.9 18.3 21.7 27.7
                160 x 80 14.3 17.6 20.8 26.4
                180 x 100 20.7 24.5 31.4 38.1
                200 x 100 22.3 26.4 34.0 41.3
                200 x 120 23.8 28.3 36.5 44.4 52.6
                250 x 100 26.18 31.11 40.23
                250 x 150 30.1 35.8 46.5 57.0 68.3
                300 x 200 45.2 59.1 72.7
                400 x 200 54.7 71.6 88.4
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                  Mechanical Properties

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                    Yield strength Rp0.2
                    (min MPa)
                    Tensile strength Rm
                    Elongation A5 1)
                    (min %)
                    Charpy-V -40°C 10x10 mm test specimen 2)
                    550 600 - 760 14 27
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                      Mechanical properties meet or exceed the requirements of EN 10219.

                      The mechanical properties for rectangular hollow sections are tested by SSAB on the longer side of the cross section.

                      1) The hollow sections with D/T < 15 (round) or (B + H)/2T < 12,5 (rectangular and square), the minimum value of elongation is reduced by 2.

                      2) Impact testing according to EN ISO 148-1 is performed on thicknesses ≥ 6mm. The specified minimum value corresponds to a full-size specimen.

                      Chemical Composition (ladle analysis)

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                        (max %)
                        (max %)
                        (max %)
                        (max %)
                        (max %)
                        (max %)
                        (max %)
                        (max %)
                        0.16 0.25 1) 1.80 0.020 0.012 1) 0.090 0.20 0.150
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                          Chemical composition meets or exceeds the requirements of EN 10219.

                          The steel is aluminium-killed.

                          1) Value exceed the requirements of EN 10219.

                          Carbon Equivalent

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                            Wall Thickness (mm) 2.0 - 12.50.079 - 0.492
                            CEV (max %) 0.42
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                              Wall Thickness (mm)
                              CEV (max %)
                              2.0 - 12.50.079 - 0.492

                              CEV value exceeds the requirements of EN 10219.


                              Tolerance Circular

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                                Characteristic Circular hollow sections
                                Tolerances meet or exceed the requirements of EN 10219
                                Outside diameter (D) (1 ±1%, with a minimum of ±0.5 mm and a maximum of ±10 mm
                                Out-of-roundness 2%, when D/T ≤ 100
                                Thickness (T) When D ≤ 323.9 mm: -5%/+10%, with a minimum of ±0.2 mm and maximum ±0.5 mm
                                When 355.6 ≤ D ≤ 406.4 mm : ±10%, when T ≤ 5 mm / ±0.5 mm, when T > 5 mm
                                When D > 406.4 mm : ±10%, with a maximum of ±2 mm
                                Straightness 0.20% of total length and 3 mm over any 1 m length
                                Mass per unit length Individual tube: ±6%
                                Mill length 0/+50 mm, 6000 ≤ L ≤ 12000 - 18000 mm (standard lengths 6000 & 12000 mm)
                                Exact length Agreed at the time of enquiry and order
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