Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2024

Respecting Human Rights and the Code of Conduct

SSAB Swedish Steel Limited is a company within the SSAB Group (“SSAB”). SSAB Swedish Steel Limited respects and works in line with internationally proclaimed human rights principles to ensure that the company does not abuse any part of such principles.

SSAB reports on its performance on sustainability in the annual report (available at Human rights are basic rights and freedoms to which all people are entitled. SSAB supports and respects internationally proclaimed human rights wherever we operate; in particular the effective elimination of forced labor and child labor.

SSAB is a signatory to the UN Global Compact and supports its principles regarding human rights, labor standards, environment and anti-corruption. Those principles are a natural part of SSAB's business and are reflected in SSAB's Code of Conduct (available at SSAB also supports the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the International Bill of Human Rights, and the International Labour Organization's (ILO) Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (the core conventions) . The Code of Conduct applies to all SSAB operations and all SSAB employees worldwide.

SSAB takes action against trafficking in our internal Group Travel Policy. SSAB also provides an online reporting system that allows employees to report suspected violations of the Code of Conduct, law or company policies.

Child labor

SSAB does not tolerate child labor in our own facilities or the operations of any supplier and we will comply with applicable national laws and applicable international standards on minimum age wherever we operate.

Forced labor

Forced, bonded or other forms of compulsory labor and physical punishment are not permitted. No employee may be required to lodge "deposits" or deprived of identity papers upon commencement of employment.

Processes to prevent human rights abuses

SSAB is committed to maintain and improve systems and processes to avoid complicity with human rights violations related to or own operations and our supply chain. SSAB has taken a variety of actions to verify the absence of child labor, forced labor, slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain, including the following:

1. Sustainability principles for our suppliers

As part of SSAB's work to achieve a more sustainable world, SSAB has implemented certain governing principles for its suppliers. These principles are based on the UN’s Global Compact principles. The purpose of these principles is to ensure that SSAB collaborates with suppliers who share our values regarding sustainability. SSAB expects that the suppliers, as a minimum, follow the sustainability principles when conducting their own business. This is the starting point for entering into and maintaining a business relationship with SSAB. These principles are included in a Supplier Code of Conduct (available at and cover for example the following areas:

  • Labor and human rights
  • Health & safety
  • Anti-corruption
  • Environment

2. Risk assessment

SSAB systematically identifies the sustainability risks related to the suppliers. This is an ongoing process with a risk based approach. We do this by placing suppliers in various risk categories depending on the countries in which they operate. Classification in this way illustrates the risks in areas such as human rights, labor conditions and corruption. Suppliers with higher risks are required to complete a self-assessment questionnaire regarding their social and environmental performance. Unsatisfactory answers are investigated.

3. Site visits

SSAB also conducts regular visits to major suppliers around the world, including high risk suppliers in terms of human rights risks. On these visits, purchasers and specialist functions visit production sites and conduct supplier inspections. SSAB has on-site protocols in place and the procurement organization has been trained to evaluate information about the supplier's social and environmental performance gathered during site visits. SSAB also conducts third party sustainability audits of selected suppliers.

4. Training

Every employee at SSAB must know, understand and follow SSAB’s Code of Conduct and it is communicated to all employees through e-learning. The Code of Conduct is SSAB’s ethical compass and outlines guidelines for SSAB’s behaviour vis-à-vis stakeholders and the market.

Face-to-face training in business ethics and sustainable purchasing have been held for the Procurement organization, including training to evaluate information gathered during site visits regarding the supplier’s social and environmental performance.

Further information can be obtained in SSAB´s annual report (