WeldCalc - The third generation

WeldCalc 3.0 from SSAB makes decades of welding experience available in an interactive web-based application to help fabricators optimize and document welding performances.

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In the new 3rd generation additional possibilities and functionalities are added while keeping the earlier advantages from the previous generation. A strong focus during the development of the software is to make it versatile in order to suit and support a wide range of welding performances. Key issues throughout the complete program are to attain: 

  • Calculations and optimizations that are based on conditions and requirements present at the user. It features an intuitive user interface throughout all parts of WeldCalc, making the results even easier to calculate and apply.
  • Easy access to recommendations and assessments throughout the welding performance stated by SSAB in order to make full use of the potential with WeldCalc. 
  • Every welding parameter in a welding situation can be defined. Full documentation and download of the complete welding performance is feasible. The user can thereby create an own library of all welding performances present in production. 

WeldCalc 3.0 is especially preset for welding of the Strenx and Hardox grades. At the same time it is feasible to include other steels such as Toolox and Armox. 
Downloads of the software can be made through the link to the right.

How WeldCalc works

WeldCalc 3.0 includes five different parts. Two of these, Calc and WPR, are suitable to use for all types of welding performances. 

The three other sections, pWPS, WPQR and WPS, are applied for structures where welding procedure qualifications are required. This process is applicable when there are more strict requirements regarding certain mechanical properties of welded structures such as attaining a specified min. strength or a min. toughness in the joint. Normally the required properties in a welded structure are defined in standards. For high strength steels most welding procedure qualifications are made in accordance with the European Norm (EN). All relevant standard requirements according to the EN standards are addressed in WeldCalc. Welding procedure qualifications with respect to Welding procedure qualifications are more common for structures in Strenx. However, it is fully feasible to perform this type of qualification for all types of Hardox grades. 

When you work with WeldCalc, choose the parts in WeldCalc that are of relevance for the welding situation. Their individual purposes are to:   

  • Calc: Create your own welding lab for a specific welding situation. Here the user can try out and freely experiment with different types of welding performances.
  • WPR (Welding Procedure Record):  Optimize the welding performance based on the requirements stated by the user. These conditions are documented and these conditions is to be followed by the welder.
  • pWPS (Preliminary Welding Procedure Specification): Cover the first part of a welding procedure qualification. Here the joint configuration together with the welding performance to be qualified are defined. According to this information the welder welds a test piece that is to then be evaluated.
  • WPQR (Welding Procedure Qualification Record): Perform the second part of the welding procedure qualification. This document is a recording of all exact welding parameters of relevance during the performance of the pWPS. After that, mechanical tests and non-destructive of the joint is executed and their test results are recorded. If all requirements are met the WPQR is approved.
  • WPS (Welding Procedure Specification): define the third and to perform the last part of the qualification procedure. It can be issued if a WPQR is approved. In this document approved welding conditions for production welding is stated to the welder/welders. These conditions are based on the parameter settings approved by the WPQR. 

At all five parts of WeldCalc the user states the conditions and requirements present for the structure to be welded. Based on the specified welding situation an outer tolerance box is then calculated by WeldCalc. It shows the allowed span of heat input and preheat/interpass temperatures. For all parts except for the WPQR, the user can state his/hers requested intervals of essential welding parameters. From the later information, WeldCalc calculates an inner tolerance box for the requested welding performance. For optimized conditions, the complete inner tolerance box is to be located within the outer tolerance box. 

Further features and benefits with WeldCalc 3.0

  • It utilizes a closer communication regarding essential matters in welding technology between the Technicians, Welders and Engineers at the user´s facility.
  • Web-based and always up to date

If you are interested in working on your phone, try out the WeldCalc mobile app!



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