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SSAB increases sustainability efforts through updated Supplier Code of Conduct
January 03, 2023 18:03 CET 6 min read
SSAB has updated its Supplier Code of Conduct (SCOC) to further clarify expectations toward suppliers. The new version includes topics such as human rights, modern slavery, biodiversity, recycling and fair competition and antitrust in alignment with international standards.
“The updated SCOC allows us to better explain our expectations toward SSAB’s suppliers and the responsibility they have toward us,” says Christina Friborg, Head of Sustainability at SSAB. “This is an important step in the sustainability journey that we want to take together with our suppliers.”
SSAB´s around 20,000 suppliers are important in bringing SSAB closer to its own sustainability goals as well. The code is aligned with several international conventions and standards such as the United Nations (UN) Global Compact, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, International Bill of Human Rights and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
“It is essential for us that our suppliers understand and commit to our SCOC,” says Lisa Lidén, sustainability manager for procurement. “We continuously review our suppliers´ sustainability efforts as sustainability criteria are key when taking our purchasing decisions.”
SSAB´s suppliers will be able to download the new supplier code of conduct here: www.ssab.com/suppliers