Trailer design

Steel is the most common engineering material in the world. In comparison with other materials steel is cheap to produce and can be found in a wide range of grades suitable for a huge field of applications and production methods. Steel is also the most recycled material in the world; each year more steel is recycled than aluminum, paper, glass and plastic put together. Since the first steel reference in history, coming from a 4,000 years old archeological site in Turkey, great efforts have been put into developing steel into the Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS) we benefit from today.

Road transport vehicles, like trucks and trailers, can significantly benefit from improvements in both design and production methods. Material selection is strongly connected to these aspects, and affects the performance and the cost of these vehicles. The use of AHSS allows lightweight solutions to be developed, which directly translates into financial savings and less CO2 emissions.

If you are in the trailer business and care about higher payload, less maintenance, fuel savings and increased product life, and if you want a smoother production flow, while still being environmentally responsible, then you will enjoy this Trailer Design Guideline.

You can also download the Trailer Design Guideline on SSAB Download center.