Health and safety

SSAB strives to be the safest steel company in the world, with our objective being to achieve zero accidents, work-related injuries and illnesses. Ensuring a safe and secure work environment for our team members, contractors and visitors who spend time at our facilities is our highest priority.

Every SSAB team member has a personal responsibility to work safely every day; it’s a fundamental requirement for working at SSAB. Occupational safety is integrated into our management system. In addition of safety, SSAB focuses on preventive health care and wellness to promote the overall well-being of team members.

Safety focus

In order to achieve our objective of zero accidents, injuries and work-related illnesses, SSAB will:
  • Ensure safety is an integral part of all activities and decisions throughout the company.
  • Co-operate to prevent accidents and work-related illness by identifying, evaluating and removing risks.
  • Systematically identify and eliminate the root causes of accidents and near misses which have occurred, with the aim of preventing them from happening.
  • Ensure that management and the line organizations are responsible for occupational safety. They are assisted by occupational safety specialists. However, all SSAB team members are responsible for their own safety and for that of others in their own working environment. We must interrupt and instruct colleagues and contractors when they take a risk or fail to comply with established safety rules. All work which is not performed safely must be discontinued.
  • Ensure that all managers lead by example. They are responsible for the work environment and must serve as good role models.
  • Ensure that all team members are provided with all necessary instructions, as well as the training and equipment necessary for facilitation safe work methods.
  • Comply with or exceed all applicable laws, regulations and SSAB requirements.
  • Establish clear objectives and carry out regular monitoring to ensure that these objectives are fulfilled.

Work well-being and life balance

Work well-being means that you feel good at work. It means you have meaningful tasks, that your private life and work are in balance, and that you are in good health and capable to perform your job. SSAB provides the environment and means for team members to achieve well-being – from a safe work environment to health and wellness programs. SSAB has a long tradition of offering and encouraging numerous preventive healthcare efforts.


SSAB´s safety management system fulfills the requirements of international standard ISO 45001.

Contractors’ safety

Every year, hundreds of people from external companies work at SSAB, particularly in the areas of maintenance and repairs. Ensuring the safety of everyone in our facilities – team members, contractors or visitors – is our highest priority. Contractor companies are screened for strong safety practices, and partner companies work together with SSAB to ensure safety of anyone working at an SSAB facility. We also provide the contractors with safety training sessions and discussion forums, in order to increase their safety awareness.

Watch our safety videos

Be responsible.
Act safely.
For yourself.
Be responsible.
Act safely.
For your coworkers and customers.
Be responsible.
Act safely.
For your family and friends.