Jonas Larsson

“We report all emissions until the product is ready for delivery. This means that it’s easy for our customers to supplement this information with their own values and achieve a total emission value for their particular product,” says Jonas Larsson, Director of Environmental Affairs at SSAB. 

SSAB has a strong focus on sustainability and the ultimate aim is to become fossil free by 2045. SSAB’s ambition is also to be the first to offer the market fossil-free steel as early as in 2026, and then to convert all production sites to become fossil free. People have been working with EPDs for many years, but recently there has been growing demand from customers.EPD stands for Environmental Product Declaration, which is an independently verified document that provides transparent, comparable information about the environmental impact of products from the lifecycle perspective.

An EPD has many different areas of application, for example as base data for marketing, purchasing criteria or as a tool for environmental management work.  

SSAB complies with international standards, which makes it possible to compare the carbon footprint of products from different companies in conjunction with procurement.

“The fact is that SSAB is among the best when it comes to low CO2 emissions. Ore-based steel production around the world has on average 10 to 20 per cent higher CO2e emissions than SSAB’s products,” says Jonas Larsson.

You can find EPDs for all of SSAB’s products distributed over a dozen or so declarations. There are, for example, EPDs for hot-rolled, cold-rolled, metal-coated and color-coated steel products. The EPDs report values from the whole of the product’s lifecycle. This means that emissions from suppliers are also included as well as all energy used in manufacturing the product.“It’s important to have the overall picture and to be transparent. This provides both us and our customers with an important tool in sustainability work,” says Jonas Larsson. 



You can download SSAB’s EPDs here: 

On SSAB’s website Download Center

Or via the International EPD® System, where SSAB’s EPDs are registered: