
Затраты на обслуживание окрашенных стальных конструкций можно уменьшить при использовании SSAB Weathering

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58 мин
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(Вебинар на английском) Среди прочих, на вебинаре будут освещены следующие темы: процесс формирования защитной патины в результате окисления поверхности стали SSAB Weathering, стойкость к внешним воздействиям и сохранение лакокрасочного покрытия на окрашенных компонентах из стали SSAB Weathering в условиях коррозионной среды, практическое применение стали SSAB Weathering.

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This webinar will present SSAB Weathering steel, a durable, corrosion-resistant steel. Its unique chemical composition allows it to develop a protective patina layer from this rust, shielding the steel from further harmful exposure, while also providing incredible paint retention, as well as a unique finish. This results in reduced maintenance costs, regardless whether the steel is painted or not.

The webinar will address topics, such as: 

  • How SSAB Weathering steel forms its protective patina layer during the oxidation process.
  • How effective painted SSAB Weathering steel is in resisting degradation and retaining paint within a corrosive environment (with results from the six-year corrosion test).
  • Real-world applications of SSAB Weathering steel and customer cases where SSAB Weathering steel was used, such as the newly built rood over the Hashalom railway station in Tel Aviv.

Robert F. Wesdijk

Market & Sales Development, SSAB