RR®- and RD®-pålar, Anvisningar för projektering och installation, the manual for RR and RD piles in Sweden has been updated. This manual follows the national instructions for piling in Sweden and it’s available only in Swedish language.

Several small updates

There has been several small things updated in the manual. Biggest changes and updates are related to:

- new mechanical rock shoes for RR270 and RR320 piles

- tables with design resistance values have updated to have resistances for both Boverket and Trafikverket projects

- also the design resistance tables include now values for RR/RRs/RD/RDs270 and RR/RRs/RD/RDs320 pile sizes



Manuals for SSAB infrastructure products are updated frequently. The latest versions of the manuals are always available from the Download page.


More information on RR® and RD® piles and RD® pile wall www.ssab.com/infra